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Internet of Things network

Internet of Things network

As is the case with the development of its own optical, WiFi, and server networks, owning its own IoT network and the expertise held by Inovativni Zadar are crucial prerequisites for successful and high-quality management of all aspects of IoT system development, representing a fundamental strategic component in the development of the ICT sector of the City of Zadar. 

This significantly reduces the direct and indirect costs of many services that the City of Zadar and its commercial companies and institutions would otherwise have to purchase from commercial service providers.

Within the City's area, a core network is being established, consisting of IoT base stations, a network server, and demonstrations of the web platform, where it is possible to monitor test data obtained from IoT sensors for various purposes placed in real conditions."

Inovativni Zadar has focused on testing IoT devices with the greatest potential for providing municipal services, specifically for the following purposes:

  • Remote meter reading
  • Parking space occupancy detection
  • Public lighting management
  • Intelligent waste management (container fill level monitoring, etc.)
  • Environmental sensors

The first practical application of the IoT city network occurred through the implementation of the EU project ZUM 4.0, with the "Smart Parking" system. At this moment, over 1100 sensors for parking space occupancy detection relay their status to user smartphone applications through this network.

Unaprjeđenje web stranice sufinancirano je sredstvima poslovne konkurentnosti iz Operativnog programa Konkurentnost i kohezija, iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj.